Die besten eigenwilligen und ernsten Okkulthorrorfilme der 2000er - Leben

  1. Paranormal Activity
    Gruselfilm von Oren Peli mit Katie Featherston und Michael Bayouth.

    Trautes Heim, Glück allein? Im Found Footage Horrorfilm Paranormal Activity wird das Leben im neuen Haus zum Albtraum.

  2. ?
    Geisterfilm von Tomohiro Kubo mit Yôzaburô Itô und Yû Abiru.

    A young man with a past begins work in a factory, where he attracts the amorous attention of a mysterious woman who lurks behind the scenes. He is a relatively unique young man, perhaps a genetic one-off, in that he feels no particular attraction to Tomie. This of course intrigues Tomie, and she begins to become obsessed with him. Soon, he is caught in a vicious struggle between two rival Tomies.